Friday 29 April 2011

The Leaman Russ pic

Hey guys a long delay but my photo is finally up. It is my Leaman Russ Executioner tank. Im pritty cool with the result of how it looks. I have recently added some rust and dirt to it so another photo is needed. A few things really. 1st is how my hobby is going. I have continued my collection of Imperial Guard. My target is to have a competitive and good looking army ready for BFG annual 1750 GT and Throne of Skulls 2012 in Nottingham, UK. I currently have plenty of time and options to tweek the list. I have also added a 50 man Platoon to sit upon an objective to be a big defense. I also have added a heavy Weapons team and an Armoured Sentinal all with Autocannons to be a bit anti-everything and also to give me a little more buffer against Eldar and Dark Eldar.
Over Easter I have had 3W 1D 3L which is not to bad. I need to get to the local gaming club in High Wycombe for a few weeks to see how it works against former Throne of Skulls lists to tweek it. The biggest weakness is only having 2 troops slots filled but I feel a 58 man platoon with a Lord commissar is a good enough to hold one objective and a Veteran Squad in a Vendetta to fly onto another gives me a fair chance in Objective games :)

Secondly is the news on YouTube about Emperors Canaries and his local store banning him from their store for various reasons. I have read it and am very saddened by the behaviour of the store. Check it out..

Next Issue I plan to post my 1750 army list and some tactic Pages and to use this page more often. More to come

Tuesday 11 January 2011

A year into my 40K life.

I celebrated by buying a vendetta and a 2nd Leaman Russ.

Pics on here when done

Sunday 2 January 2011

500 Point Game with IG

Today was my first game with IG even though it was at 500 points. My list

Vet Squad (1 grenade Launcher)
Vet Squad (1 grenade Launcher)
Leaman Russ Executioner (Plasma sides, HB front, Pask upgrade)

I played Dark Eldar. I won in turn 4 via table. It shouldnt of gone on this long. I made a mistake in thinking the cannon was Heavy 1 not Heavy 3 LOL!

So maybe turn 2 table should of happend. I give credit to the player he should of got a few pens but I kept making cover saves and his foot slog Dark Eldar just didnt match up.

I get my Vendetta next weekend and a new Leaman Russ to play with.