Friday 29 April 2011

The Leaman Russ pic

Hey guys a long delay but my photo is finally up. It is my Leaman Russ Executioner tank. Im pritty cool with the result of how it looks. I have recently added some rust and dirt to it so another photo is needed. A few things really. 1st is how my hobby is going. I have continued my collection of Imperial Guard. My target is to have a competitive and good looking army ready for BFG annual 1750 GT and Throne of Skulls 2012 in Nottingham, UK. I currently have plenty of time and options to tweek the list. I have also added a 50 man Platoon to sit upon an objective to be a big defense. I also have added a heavy Weapons team and an Armoured Sentinal all with Autocannons to be a bit anti-everything and also to give me a little more buffer against Eldar and Dark Eldar.
Over Easter I have had 3W 1D 3L which is not to bad. I need to get to the local gaming club in High Wycombe for a few weeks to see how it works against former Throne of Skulls lists to tweek it. The biggest weakness is only having 2 troops slots filled but I feel a 58 man platoon with a Lord commissar is a good enough to hold one objective and a Veteran Squad in a Vendetta to fly onto another gives me a fair chance in Objective games :)

Secondly is the news on YouTube about Emperors Canaries and his local store banning him from their store for various reasons. I have read it and am very saddened by the behaviour of the store. Check it out..

Next Issue I plan to post my 1750 army list and some tactic Pages and to use this page more often. More to come